Thursday 8 May 2008

Cloverfield sets monster record in US

Cloverfield sets monster record in US

'Cloverfield' has become the first monster strike of 2008 after qualification $41m (€28m) in the US death weekend, a record opening for January according to studio estimates.
Watch an extended clip from 'Cloverfield' here.
The taradiddle of a goliath reptile causation chaos in Fresh York City surpassed the $35.9m premiere weekend of the 'Star Wars' special variant in 1997, the previous best for January.
Featuring a throw of unknowns, 'Cloverfield' tells its monster story from the perspective of a partygoer's hand-held picture photographic camera, which captures the mayhem as the brute weeping through the metropolis.
The pic benefited from cryptic marketing that sent moviegoers on a pack rat hunt to decipher clues most the movie's plot, images and still its title, which was non confirmed until briefly in front its release.
'Cloverfield' is released in Eire on 1 February.
